Thursday, July 30, 2009

late night

Alright, so we seemed to have gotten the naps figured out, all until our trip to Boston, and now we are having a bit of trouble. Kix was doing great! He was napping a couple times a day for a few hours and sleeping through the nights off and on, but he would always go right back to sleep after waking up to eat if he didn't make it all night without a snack. However.........we took a trip to Boston for a week during this time he slept great at night, but most of his napping was done while wearing him around town or on the plane in my moby wrap. Since we have been back home a total of five days now, he is slowing not wanting to nap if he isn't being held. And tonight he is not sleeping. It is currently 4:31am and I am letting him cry it out, he's been crying for 15 min now. Its not a constant mad cry yet, I will see how long this can or will go on. So far I'm doing ok, deciding to blog while I listen to the sad sound of my baby crying. But he must learn that he cannot be held to fall alseep, he must sleep on his own.
My greatest frustration lies in my day ahead, I have some family heading my way tomorrow, sometime in the morning might I add. And I was planning to go grocery shopping before they arrived, this I may do, but going on little sleep, so far 1hr 45 min! In addition to my lack of sleep, I'm afraid Kix may feel that he will not nap, so my delimma, do I try to make it peaceful for them and hold him while he naps or make it easier on myself and continue training him to sleep on his own and let him cry for who knows how long???
I need to pray and pray the Lord can only help me through this. I will now go to make my husbands lunch as he will be leaving for work in a couple of hours..........

Monday, June 22, 2009

5-6 Newborn

Being a mom can be hard and everyone knows that. I am choosing to blog to help me get through the tough times. Kix will be 6 weeks old on Wednesday. We are working on sleeping during the day. He is great at sleeping at night, but nap time is a HUGE challenge for both of us. I read baby wise when I was pregnant and felt determined to use it, I have always been a big believer in letting my baby cry themselves to sleep. I have to say I wish the book would have given me more direction, I didn't know when to start implementing the "program." I now know, about 5 weeks ago! He just will not nap. He eats great and then stays awake for maybe 20-30 min. Then the crying begins. I have tried to let him cry himself to sleep, but he doesn't sleep long even if he crys himself to sleep. So I had so many questions the book did not answer, I would ask people what they thought, most thought I shouldn't let him cry longer than 20 minutes or so. Although I had I had even gone as long as 45, which I thought was a VERY long time! So then I thought, Baby Wise should really have a website to help mothers out with problems, well they don't but I did find a lady who has a blog on Baby Wise. It was very helpful. I now know, crying for even 2.5 hours is acceptable, although I don't know if I can go that long!! I will go an hour maybe an hour an a half. The blog does say its ok after 30 min to go in and check the diaper, pat baby on the back, hold for a few minutes to settle him, if you baby will go back to sleep after entering the room some babies will not.
Her blog is great! It says that trying this may take 4-5 days to implement, and not to start it when you are visiting family and things like that. I have a is Monday half way through the day btw, Friday morning we are leaving to take an 8-10 hour trip up to my in laws where we will be staying through Monday, which we will be driving back home the long several hour trip. In addition to that, my husband will be watching Kix tonight and tomorrow night for 2-3 hours, he will have to take him out of the house during that time with no where to go, I doubt letting baby cry himself to sleep is really going to work those times. So my thought then moves to why don't I start the next week...well I plan to leave on Wednesday to visit my family and comeback the following Sunday. I could wait until the next after that but he will be 8 weeks at that point, I hate to wait soooo long! I think its only going to be worse by then. I also feel that if I start now, its really still going to be a struggle at 8 weeks anyway with all the traveling and family visiting.
Hence, I am listening to Kix cry I as type, this is the beginning! it is stressful listening to a crying baby, and after this I think I will be heading outside to check the mail. I need a distraction myself. Well the 30min mark is up, so I should go do a diaper check and calm my baby.